
Kazakhstan is slightly better than Russia in real GDP per capita growth in the 21st century!

Among the independent (Baltic states are not idependent as having large EU subsidies) post-Soviet countries Kazakhstan (according to the Maddison Project Database) outperfroms (by a small margin) Russia in the 21st century (2000 to 2022). Figure 1 compares Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Moldova. The latter 3 countries are poor, even Azerbaijan, which showed excellent results in the 2000s.  Figure 2 illustrates the fact that Azerbaijan is still much better than Moldova and Armenia - bad post-Soviet era perfromers.

Figure 1. The growth of real GDP per capita since 2000. 

Figure 2. Real GDP per capita in 5 countries as listed by the MPD.

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The USA and Russia are the leaders in the immigration because the real economic growth is linear. Not exponential!

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