
How poor days look like for wind energy in the UK

 There is a website presenting electricity production in the UK on a half-hour frequency. This is a good site to understand variations in the production of green energy. There are good time periods when wind produces 30% of the whole electricity. But there are also poor periods when no-wind conditions drop the energy production by a factor of 30. Below is a graph obtained at 14:45 cet today. The input of wind is extremely low and natural gas  + nuclear energy gives 80% when solar energy is available. Renewable energy is just a few percent overnight. One can see that this is not a short period of time - the last 48 hours are quiet. I'll keep watching the evolution of the wind conditions. It is important how long this low-wind period will last this time. In 2021, the generation of wind energy was below the average and the natural gas price hike was produced by "no-wind". 

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