
Why I fully support Biden

 1. President Biden is supporting and is supported by the liberal community as a perfect representative of Democrats. In the 20th century, the liberal idea was changing from economic to personal sexual orientation rights. One can check the most recent history when the same Dems were nastily joking about homosexuality. We could expect further changes in the liberal ideas with the current approach fully denied. The essence of liberalism is permanent progress. It never stops. I support this evolutionary development. The future is hard to see, and "we do not know what we do not yet know".  Science is all about progress in the understanding of nature, human beings, and society.  

2. As a physicist, I appreciate very much the approach "we choose truth over facts". I would like to join the Biden and Co supporters in the process of truth definition. Hard sciences will be needed in this process in order to avoid choosing "facts" by mistake. Only scientists can be experts in the adequate selection of facts to be rejected in order to have naked truth. 

3. According to J.Haidt, liberals prefer fairness (proportionality) and care (harm) as moral foundations. They do not like authority, loyalty (ingroup), and divinity (purity) as moral foundations. In general, police and army are based on the latter three. Imagine a liberal policeman who chooses his own freedom over the rules and regulations to obey. The army is the same type of organization with the overwhelming dominance of authority, loyalty, and purity (remember the National Guards sleeping on the concrete floor in the Capitol). Interestingly, new defense secretary Austin is an almost full anagram of Stalin who purged the top Red Army command staff just before 1939. It definitely helped to win WWII.  I am sure that the liberal approach to police and the army will strengthen their order and power.

4. Biden is a major part of the geriatric team driving the US. I met some Soviet Politbureau members in the 1970s and found these old gentlemen as wonderful people. I am sure that their wisdom was the best for the Soviet Union to prosper. 

5. I find the measures against Trump supporters as adequate and supporting the integrity of the nation. 

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