
Macron said that the UN Security Council “is not making any useful decisions at the moment”.

 This statement is the best confirmation that the UN Security Council still\ is the best remedy from one-sided solutions leading to a big war. Macron wants "useful decisions" how he understands the usefulness for France and the EU. It is fully understandable that the President of a country must care about their own needs and problems. At the same time, if one country finds UNSC decisions as useful there are many others who might suffer. The creation of the SC was aimed at the impossibility of one-sided decisions. And it still works. The reason for such a strict rule is obvious - nobody has it right. The change is domestic and foreign policy among the UN countries has many dramatic moments since the SC creation. No country can claim that all problems are resolved now and forever (e.g. the 2020 US elections is a good example revealing structural faults in the US social/economic/racial/gender system). To retain this world as safe as possible the UNSC is needed now much more when during the cold war. The UNSC makes the most useful decision right now - it does not give any chance to fall in WWIII. I am sure that when Macron or any other top leader says that the UNSC is making useful decisions we will have thousands of missiles with nuclear warheads flying to make such decisions less useful for the speaker. 

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