
Karine Jean-Potus

  The most recent statements from the KJP look like the statements directly from the POTUS, but are really her thoughts. Moreover, Karine Jean-Potus corrects and interprets the POTUS speech. She is the real POTUS.

The Road to Abu Ghraib

 Human Rights Watch Report was issued in 2004. If the US is a moral beacon for this world should all countries use torture to match the US requirements? I wonder if "My Lai" is a no-name in the US.  


Military call in Ukraine? Do not touch the sons of influential people!

Odesa and Kyiv are night party centers for young golden. Their conscription may strike back as it was with hippies during the Vietnam War. Anti-war movement will rise in seconds. The US monitoring mission to Ukraine may lead to an intensification of conscription.


BRICS. What next?

 The critical mass of the countries suffered colonial robbery and rape by western evil states is now achieved. They may force compensation of 500+ trillion from Spain and Portugal to Germany and Belgium. A special treatment to the UK and US


US state secretary. How to kill half a million children

 "We have heard that half a million [Iraqi] children have died. I mean, that is more children than died in Hiroshima," Stahl said. "And, you know, is the price worth it?" "I think that is a very hard choice," Albright answered, "but the price, we think, the price is worth it."


Сегодня БРИКС стал новым Советом Безопасности ООН для не западных стран

 Сегодня БРИКС стал новым Советом Безопасности ООН для не западных стран. Новые члены БРИКС рассматривают НЗ-СБ как пуленепробиваемый зонтик для независимости, поскольку Россия и Китай получают выгоду от такой защиты по мере ослабления Запада. Эффективный баланс интересов.

About Prigozhin plane crash

 About Prigozhin plane crash. The conflict Prigozhin initiated made him a target for every friend and enemy. Easy to use and very effective. It also covers any business conflict/crime by political fog. Looks like the diamond business in Africa is dangerous.

Today, the BRICS has become a new United Nations Security Council for non-western countries

 Today, the BRICS has become a new United Nations Security Council for non-western countries. New BRICS members consider the NW-UNSC as a bulletproof umbrella for independence as Russia and China benefit from such protection as West weakens. Quite an effective balance of interest.


France invasion of Niger. A chance for Russian hypersonics

 If France will invade Niger the situation with weapon supply will be the same as in Ukraine. Can Russia supply Niger with some hypersonic weapons to attack France's mainland? Obviously, such weapons can be controlled only by retired militaries. No Russian army. 


Is the BRICS creating a new UN? Then the current BRICS members are the new UNSC!

Any block or alliance has internal and external problems. China and Russia are two indispensable participants of BRICS and money and military might. Also, both the UNSC permanent members. The other three countries also see themselves as natural UNSC permanent members. I guess South Africa can forget about the UNSC as a country driven from the outside. Brazil has some chances to be supported, but France, UK, and US will veto if China and Russia put Brazil's membership forward. And vice versa. India is definitely a US ally – never get to the UNSC due to China and Russia. Of course, if the UNSC will survive.

In case the UN will be dissolved, the BRICS is a good replacement. I wonder if the BRICS countries will have much more power without the UN than with the UN. This is the issue of the next session of the BRICS enlargements. Only countries important to the new UN will be taken aboard. The current BRICS is an extremely consistent UNSC replacement. The BRICS provides diversity and balance.

The Western alliance does not exist as such – the USA drives the vehicle. In the US or any other Western country is included, the BRICS will break.

Trump's economic plan. Good thing for everyone except the US, it's complete nonsense.

Trump's plan to increase duties and tariffs on interstate trade primarily affects the US debt, which has been issued by the US for almos...