
Trump-Harris. Between peace and war

Trump has to ask Harris whether law-enforcement authorities support her election and will fight for her otherwise.

Putin openly "supported" the candidate from D. It is obvious that Putin's support of any candidate will most likely have a negative effect on both, since such support is a double-edged sword. He brought some chaos to the companies of both. This is what Russia should be counting on.

The best outcome of the elections is chaos and clashes, as was assumed and carefully promoted by legal and illegal means by all government and private agents of the USA in relation to the recent presidential elections in Russia and all other countries globally. In this sense, the configuration of forces in the USA looks like this. 1. The top leadership of the US security agencies is completely for D. 2. Most of the rank-and-file employees of these agencies are rather neutral or lean towards R. 3. All agencies are indirectly subordinate to P. As is known from the decision of the US Armed Forces, any order from P. is legitimate.

In this situation, President R. can give an order to restore law and order during peaceful-non-peaceful protests of various D. groups. The leadership of the security agencies will refuse to carry out these orders, but rank-and-file employees will rather carry out P.'s orders. In this case, the arrest of the leaders is inevitable. This will be the beginning of chaos and unrest. If P. becomes D., then the command hierarchy in the security agencies will be respected and P.'s decisions will be carried out unquestioningly. Any attempts by R. to protest will be suppressed almost instantly.

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