
Boeing Starliner is an imminent risk for the ISS

The start of Starliner from the ISS  is postponed to June 26. The problem is not identified. This is an awful message. Someone sends a dangerous object into space. Columbia and Challenger likely did not make  enough dead crew members. The risk assessment was not adapted to the US low level of technical skills. The danger to the ISS is not clear as the problem is not identified, but the risk level is not adequate to the potential benefits of the commertial usage of poor prepared space vehichles from the company known by low technical control. 


Yemen in Red Sea

In 1999, Jamie Shea - NATO secretary, put forward a genial phrase on the NATO bombing of civilian objects in Yugoslavia: "Miloshevich can always surrender to stop it". It occured to be a universal formula. Now one can say: the shipping companies can surrender, Israel can surrender, NATO can surrender, the US can always surrender to stop these attacks. Baerbock from Germany once said that Russia commits war crimes when bombing power stations openly admitting that NATO commited war crimes in Yugoslavia. She never said it again. So, it's not a war crime to attack civilian constructions as ships etc. NATO and Israel can always surrender.


Boeing Starliner will bring you to a star. Follow Space Shittle?

 Starliner made by Boeing is out of order. The ISS is in danger due to multiple problems created by Boeing. It seems Starliner may go the way of Columbia and Challenger. The Space Shuttle program of the US was a technical and PR disaster - 2 from around 100 missions failed with 14 innocent human beings died in agony. 


Questions after the flood in Germany

What’s scary is not climate change itself, but the fact that under this slogan nothing useful is being done for people’s safety. If all weather processes are increasing in amplitude, then why has the risk for dams and river beds not been calculated? Apparently, only processes in the future are well calculated. But for the current ones there are no data and models. It’s very similar to “during this time, either the donkey will die, or the padishah, or...”. There is a suspicion that disasters like this will occur more and more often. If all measures had been taken on time (such a flood had already happened here 100 years ago), then no one would have noticed this and the slogan about a “climate catastrophe” would not have been confirmed. But if we do nothing, we will have a remarkably terrible picture. 

Вопрос после наводнения в Баварии

страшно не само изменение климата, а то что под этот лозунг ничего полезного не делается для безопасности людей. Если все процессы увеличиваются по амплитуде, то почему не произведен расчет рисков для дамб и русел рек? Видимо, только процессы в будущем хорошо просчитываются. А для текущих нет данных и моделей. Очень похоже на "за это время или ишак умрет, или падишах, или ...". Есть подозрение, что катастрофы типа этой будут все чаще происходить. Если все меры были бы приняты вовремя (такое наводнение здесь уже было 100 лет назад), то этого никто бы не заметил и лозунг о "климатической катастрофе" не получил бы подтверждения. А вот если ничего не делать, то будем иметь замечательно ужасную картинку.

Iran vs. Israel. Economic growth in the 21st century

  Maddison project database ( MPD ) is a famous source of real GDP data for the whole world. Let's compare real GDP per capita for Iran,...