Почти все думают, что Зеленский поддерживает националистическое движение на Украине. Не так давно он поздравлял лидеров «Азова», освобожденных из вынужденной ссылки в Турции. «Азов» признан неонацистским батальоном даже в США. Этих людей, скорее всего, отправят на передовую, чтобы поддержать павший дух армии. Этот дух был подорван чрезвычайно высоким числом погибших. Если посмотреть на эту проблему с формально-статистической точки зрения, Зеленский ненавидит собственную армию и, скорее всего, отправляет этих нацистов и их сторонников на смерть. Можно предположить, что это месть за всех евреев, убитых на Украине фашистами и нацистами из Германии и их украинскими союзниками - ОУН-УПА. В глубине души Зеленский еврей. И эта война может быть единственным способом денацификации и демилитаризации Украины.
Zelenskiy is a genius Jew - annihilates Ukrainian Nazis and their supporters
Almost everyone thinks that Zelenskiy supports the national movement in Ukraine. Not so long ago he praised Azov leaders freed from their forced exile in Turkey. Azov is recognized as a Neo-Nazi battalion even in the USA. These people will likely be sent to the front line to support the lowering spirit of the army. This spirit was undermined by the extremely high death toll, i.e., KIA, MIA, and WIA. If to look at this problem from a formally statistical point of view, Zelenskiy hates his own army and likely sends these Nazis and supporters to death. One may suggest that this is revenge for all the Jews murdered in Ukraine by fascists and Nazis from Germany and their Ukrainian allies. Deep in his heart he is a Jew. And this war could be the only way to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine.
Now we know - International Olympic Committee loves american cluster bombs - more participants of the Paralympic Games
The IOC does not react to the war crime from the USA and other NATO countries - sending to Ukraine cluster bombs which will kill and make thousands of children and adults disabled persons. This is likely the goal of the OIC as it loves a "peaceful" USA and NATO. Normal countries should not participate in Olympics with the merciless killers.
The best explanation of the riot in France - tremendous socio-economic disparity. Just one graph
The best explanation of the riot in France - tremendous socio-economic disparity I have seen so far follows from the graph below. The proportion of immigrants in poverty in enormous with the native population flourishing. The best country for immigrants is the UK. The US is also not bad.
France is not a good place for immigrants as we know. This fact is well-supported by observations in other developed countries where immigrants live much better. Therefore, the current situation is the choice of France to suppress immigrants to the extent not observed in other countries.
There is no recession threat in the USA due to immigration
Immigration saves the US as it is able to mechanically increase real GDP just by population growth. The labor force growth drives inflation up as it was in the late 1960s and 1970s (women changed the rate of participation in labor force from ~50% to 80-90% just within one decade). The Fed has the only tool to put the rate of price inflation down - increase the overnight rate. As the real GDP has been growing in the previous couple of years mainly due to mechanical population increase (the population growth rate is back to 1.5% per year as in the 1990s) , there overnight rate does not have the same growth suppressing effect as with the population growth of 0.5% per year observed in 2010s. Overall, the immigration idea is genius and there is no recession threat before the immigration stops. The economic model and equations behind these processes are here.
The Nord Stream sabotage showed that it is safe to conduct a clandestine underwater nuclear test
The NS sabotage was accomplished in a few kilometers from the CIA base at island Bornholm in the waters fully covered by active and passive methods of submarine detection. Nevertheless, there were at least 3 big (a few tons) explosions prepared by an unknown team(s) at unknown time. There was no track of any suspicious activity in tens of km from three different countries—members of NATO. Now imagine how it is easy to prepare and fire a nuclear bomb in the middle of nowhere. The USA and other NATO countries do not see what happened just in their noses. The probability that they control the oceans infinitesimal.
Young people in the USA become income losers
A simple graph below shows how it becomes more and more difficult for a young population to get 60% of the current mean income between 162 and 2013. In 1962, only 9 years of work experience was needed to get 60% of the largest mean income among all ages. In 2013, it takes 14 years or 50% more time. For 70%, the difference grows, but people with 15+ tears of work experience (16+15 years of age) are rather not young. The data are taken from the Census Bureau. The relative decrease in income makes the younger population stay longer in their childhood state.
Brussels. 1958. Human Zoo!
One photo says more about Europeans than billions of words. I wonder, in France, Belgium, ... the mood did not change.
France: an example of what happens when a country invites immigrants to serve the “native” population
France and the likes (e.g., Belgium and Switzerland also under riots) invite immigrants to nurse their elderly. The “native” population is fading away with the birth rate much closer to 1 than 2.2 needed to stabilize the population size. The “native” population is getting older and there are not enough volunteers to nurse the elderly. For example, Foreign Affairs minister Baerbock from Germany asked professional nurses to come to Germany when touring in South America. They are desperate to be served.
The immigrants are not too grateful to be servants. French are surprised by such disdain and blame immigrants for ingratitude. (French writer Alphonse Doudet formulated a simple idea - like "we love people for what we made to them, not for what they made for us"). French and the likes have to know that this is humiliating to invite people to serve them. As a revenge, these people will find a way to hurt.
Olympic Games in Paris next year is a bad idea. Violence is extraordinyry.
The 2024 Olympic Games in Paris are in danger. The French police project high-level violence on the peaceful protesters. The tension between the protesters and police just intensifies with time. There are weapons ready to shoot. The Games are the most peaceful enterprise and Paris is full of violent odor that will not weather away next year. The reason behind the riot is similar to Floyd's death. The bullet was involved, however. The Games are not safe in Paris. Such a case may happen any time any place. Threat to sportsmen and the public.
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