
The reasons why the UNSC should not be extended by new permanent members

 The problem with the SC enlargement is that the country to enter will be under great (and dirty) pressure from the West to obey (economic sanctions, civil unrest like color revolutions, election fraud/pressure, conflicts with neighbors, ... so many examples we see now) and there are no countries that can survive except Russia and China. They are already in the SC. Countries like South Africa or Brazil will be converted into the West servants in a few weeks. India is on the side of the West already as the elites are fully British. Who else? Germany and Japan are deeply Nazis and inhumane in the eyes of the international community (Do you remember what Japan made in China and Korea ?). No UNSC permanent member except the US will allow them. Mexico? Egypt? These countries will be devastated if will not serving to the US as they depend on it.

At the end of the day, any new UNSC permanent member will ally with the West by force or gold. The overall conditions will deteriorate in the not-western countries as a result. All not-western countries have to assist Russia and China to create conditions when the new UNSC member will obey the international law, not the US-invented-on-the-fly rules.

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