Chat GPT. Some thoughts
Started ChatGPT today. Formulated a question on the Gini ratio in the USA in a given age group. It does not have this information (the US Census Bureau publishes this information for more than 50 years at an annual rate). As expected with a very limited training set.
Also watched (1) “Silicone Valley People Will Lose Their Jobs!” - Reaction To OpenAI Being A $29 Billion Company - YouTube with Neil deGrasse Tyson.
Some thoughts
ChatGPT can extremely well mimic (machine learning) something existent but cannot, for example, create Tupac's songs, which he would write if lived longer. A good example from the world of art is Malevich, who strived for new ideas and found the black rectangular (suprematism) by chance. He was not popular enough with this idea, however, and only the high post in the new Soviet government gave him needed PR tools to promote the black square and suprematism (dead now).
The question is can AI create a new art direction that does not exist right now which also fits human feelings and rational thinking in a way as Monet, Picasso, and Malevich inventions? It could be easily tested by providing all needed data known before some know invention and forcing AI to generate future inventions. Unknown would be even more interesting than known.
Another issue - the human judgment. Music and arts are evaluated and accepted/ignored not on the basis of logic but some other considerations. Saying that I suddenly understood that this that is easily manipulated. Likely, some hidden ChatGPT already drives our taste and disgust. Moreover, it can be a human idea behind this hidden AI which rules the world already. I guess that the liberal fever in the USA fits this pattern ideally. This is a dramatic move from the rooting interest of human beings to emotional hysterics.
Malevich's black square and the nothingness as the next step of art
The black square of Malevich absorbed and better than other arts expressed the spirit of madness before WWI. This is a symbol of the gradual transformation of a person into nothingness through degradation into an increasingly wild and aggressive creature, as shown by the European Nazis/fascists and the Japanese during WWII. The degradation all started with Monet, who presented people as soulless motley spots, while classical art was looking for expression of the (yes, Christian) spirituality of a person's face and hands (for good deeds). Picasso split a human being into a set of pieces, almost not connected with either the body or the soul. Malevich brought the idea of the absence of humans to the ultimate principle - there is neither body nor soul. Full dehumanization. But there are forms instead. After World War III, only nothingness will remain, under which the entire history of mankind will be hidden, including the black Suprematist rectangle. The formless will absorb all forms and this will be the ultimate victory and end of art, which is likely more important than life. Malevich was a member of a futurist club and his companion poet Kruchyonykh wrote a piece where the last quatrain was empty, i.e. nothingness was foreseen by futurists.
Черный квадрат Малевича
Черный квадрат впитал и лучше других искусств выразил дух сумасшествия перед первой мировой войной. Это символ постепенного превращения человека в ничто через деградацию во все более дикое и агрессивное существо, как показали европейские нацисты/фашисты и японцы во время второй мировой. Все началось с Моне, который представил людей в виде неодушевленных пестрых пятен, в то время как классическое искусство искало внешнего выражения (да, христианской) одухотворенности человека. Пикассо превратил человека их человекоподобного пятна в набор кусочков, почти не связанных ни с телом ни с душой. Малевич довел идею отсутствия человека главный принцип - нет ни тела ни души. Но есть формы. После третьей мировой останется только черная дырка, под которой будет скрыта вся прошлая история человечества, включая черный супрематический прямоугольник. Бесформенное поглотит все формы и это будет венец и конец искусства, которое выше жизни.
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