
For Russia it is the best time to ruin Ukraine economically

As I mentioned before, the economic failure of Ukraine is the aim of Russia. Panic of the imminent war ignited by the US and the West as a whole made its work and Ukraine lost tens of billions of dollars and have a negative rating for investors. This is good news for Russia to make an important step to add some uncertainty in the heads of politicians and militaries - recognition of the Lugansk and Donezk Peoples Republik. The war against the Republics is not an option anymore and the Ukrainian army lost its aim and nerve . Essentially, this army is an aimless collection of people with dangerous weapons most appropriate for small rebel groups to loot as it was in the Russian Empire Civil war 1917-1923s. 

The next obvious step for Russia is to switch off the light and allow robbery throughout Ukraine. Diesel fuel (for tanks, for example), electricity, uranium rods for the power stations, coal, etc. is supplied mostly by Russia (4 bn dollars, approximately). I do not say about obvious energy source - natural gas not transported through the Ukrainian pipeline leg. The best time to strike, as I said before, is the next spring cold wave. People will start fighting for energy. In the panic or hysteria state, it is a likely outcome.  If President Zelenskii will be evacuated by the West - this will be the best signal to star robbery. 


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