
For Putin, it would be wise to postpone the summit with Biden by two weeks

Biden took a longer tour and a lot of meetings with various agents before the meeting with Putin. The internal temperature in Biden's team is closer to the boiling point. The expectations and promises are enormously high. The West is waiting for the punishment and execution even if the reality could be the opposite. Construction of virtual reality by social networks and mainstream media is commonplace and the result of the meeting is already known for the team. The West wins anyway. Even when lost. Biden is fully equipped and ready physically and emotionally. 

For Putin, it would be wise to postpone the meeting by two weeks using some small reason. Biden's team will let off steam. Expectations and promises will ruin. The Maricopa county vote audit will be finished and will possibly kill Biden's legal status as president   Biden's shape will degrade both physically and mentally. Fake news will rotten. All in all, the game will be inverted. 

I am sure, Putin has a plan for how to do this artistically. The best would be to refer to confidential "highly likely" security issues related to the summit place or  Biden's health.

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