
Some thoughts on my choice in the next elections

 When discussing elections in the past I was interested in a few questions:

1. Why do people listen to top sportsmen? They are usually less educated (prerequisite of rational thinking) than the average voter and highly biased because of mercantile interest is getting top income. 

2. Why do people listen to actors? These human beings are puppets (not puppies) by professions and nobody can distinguish between their own thoughts and emotions (if any) and their roles.  

3. Why do people listen to pop-signers? 

Now I have an additional question. Why people listen to bloggers? Nobody should trust my posts and consider than as a source of valuable information. 

As a physicist, I am rather a conservative person with most of the methods and approaches from my University time and results positioned in the broader and well-established environment of experiments and theories. I cannot say that some poor theory or experiment deserves to be praised for the sake of liberal values.  The same is with the discussion between conservatives and liberals. It is difficult to discuss values that are under permanent change. How can conservatives know that the current statements of liberals will not change the next day? As a matter of fact, sportsmen, actors, and pop-singers are rather liberals. I cannot trust people who almost surely change their minds tomorrow.  

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