
Europeen Union - perfect storm is coming?

1. Extremely slow economic growth
2. Price deflation
3. Greek default and Grexit
4. UK referendum 2017
5. Rights, lefties, and Euro-sceptics destabilise the power of elites
6. Economic loss due to unrest in Ukraine
7. Economic loss due to mutual sanctions against Russia
8. Migrants
9. Political scandals

Not too much?


  1. All this issues are just noise to make EUR cheaper than USD. To put EURUSD under 1.0 thus giving euro exporters economic edge against US competitors. Tssss!..

    Do you have a verified math model that predicts such 'storm' in their economics?

  2. Wow! This is a great post. Thanks for your wonderful article!
    I think this is valuable and useful to us.
    kinder mate


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