
Can statistics prove the (Russian) elections fraud?

Many people think that statistics  can no prove the Russian elections' fraud. This is not the case, however. Statistics allows revealing reliable links between various measurable parameters during the elections which can not exist at all. For expample, the results of elections (http://www.vedomosti.ru/tnews/geo/moscow-elections  )
in psychiatric clinics in Moscow show that the United Russia had more than 90% of votes, including legally capable patients. This is a fantastic result for the UR but very bad message for its supporters. The large percentage in favor of the UR evidences in statistical sense that there is a reliable link between voting for the UR and the predisposition to a psychiatric disease. A medical doctor has to include this link in the differential diagnosis of the diseases. When a patient comes, the doctor first has to ask which party s/he has voted for. And this link exists only in Russia.

I am not sure that the UR would agree that there was no fraud in this specific area which would characterize the party proponents as subject to psychiatric diseases.  There are many other links that look absolutely weird and the UR should not be happy with them.

P.S. Not serious.

As a novice in psychiatry I missed an important opportunity – the propensity to the UR is contagious and can easily be transmitted in closed groups. Since this propensity has strong correlation with the predisposition to psychiatric disease the Disease Control and Prevention Centers should issue an alarm.  Before that individual measures should be taken – gloves and mask when communicate with the UR people.

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